Sailing Camp: The movie

Lake Norman Yacht Club has held a week-long sailing camp in mid-June for more than 30 years. This minute-long movie was made from a series of more than 500 stills showing the start of a typical day during the 2006 camp June 19-23.

The view is from the upstairs porch of the Race Committee building on the south side of the club cove. As the sun reaches the cove area, sailors prepare their boats and raise 420 sails on the floating dock and Optimist sails on the lawn near the pavilion.

The film skips a half hour or so for the opening ceremonies for the day that take place in the pavilion, and picks up as the fleets launch. Optis head out from the beach; 420s from their dock; and Lasers from the north ramp.

The film is about 15MB in Windows .avi format.  Here's the link:

If the film won't display, you might try downloading it & playing it from your computer. If you get an error, you might try downloading a current copy of the XVID compression software at

Any soundtrack suggestions?


Ted Mellnik