Jan 31 meeting minutes
Two handouts were given out at meeting – A meeting agenda (2 pages) and an IB PAC Volunteer Information form. Parents were asked to fill out this form and turn in at end of meeting.
Scott Denham conducted the meeting and started with a general overview of the organization and principles. Attending the meeting were numerous IB parents plus staff members Ms. Royal, Ms. Morrison, Ms. Eglody, and Ms. McConnell (staff and IB parent.) All attendees introduced themselves including the grade(s) of their IB student(s).
Informal “elections” of officers were held with the following results:
Scott Denham: Chairman
Rachel Handel: Secretary
It was decided that the position of Treasurer should be left vacant for now as we have no current plans for incurring major expenses or raising funds. Hopefully parents will share in the minor costs incurred such as copy and hospitality needs.
Scott explained the various committees that the convening committee has proposed and the parent volunteer needs for each. He encouraged discussion of whether these committees are what our group wants to focus on or not. He encouraged suggestions of additions, revisions, or deletions for the group to discuss. Some changes made to the committees list on the agenda were:
Add “Communication with other programs” to Communications
Add “CAS assistance” to volunteers – when Ms. Morrison needs general assistance such as envelope stuffing, etc
Hold off on any Fundraising until we have the need
Add “Rising 9th graders” to the list of Grade Level parents
Student Leadership and Service -- had a number of suggestions. This will need to be discussed more at the next meeting. This committee will probably include subcommittees for IB World Projects, local ongoing CAS opportunities, student leadership (by grade level?), CAS council…
Some parents volunteered for committees by speaking up at meeting. Others volunteered by noting on the form turned in at the end of meeting. The sign up of volunteers is summarized below. If you find errors in the list please email Rachel Handel rbhandel@bellsouth.net to correct.
It was decided that the list of committees should be emailed to IB LISTSERV to give all parents a chance to sign up to be involved. Hopefully all information can also be posted on website. One parent raised the concern that the not all IB parents are receiving emails through the LIST SERV system even if they signed up. This parent has signed up more than once and still is not receiving emails.